Happy Valentine's Day From My House to Yours!!!
Well, it's proving to be an usually warm winter this year for us, already have had some 60 degree days. Which is really weird for us, while my heart goes out to those suffering with more snow than usual. But I am not complaining!!!
The month has started out with the brand new issue of the Crazy Quilt Quarterly with Pamela Kellogg as the new owner. And it is a beautiful issue.

If you are interested in purchasing the only crazy quilt magazine completely devoted to us "crazies" just click on the link above, and order from Magcloud, which is a print on demand. They print and ship your order in just a few days. Back orders are always available.
Pamela had put out a call for storage ideas, and so I answered her, and she featured a whole page to my sewing room.
Other storage ideas. Jars for buttons, dresser drawers, and my fave is the shoe holder on the back of the door for yarn. I have already incorporated that one!
So this month also saw a class of newbie crazy quilters ending and a new one started.
These ladies are having fun and really caught on fast.
We have a great meeting room at the New Knowledge Adventures continuing education building, and Gary Keirn is always helpful by setting up the projector and computer, along with having the tables set up. I like working back and forth in-between the tables. I am able to use the internet to show my blog and Flickr sites, along with using Mary Corbett's Needle 'N Thread site for the "how to" videos.
These have proven so helpful for new students.
A new feature I am going to start adding to my posts, is a "Stashbuilder" recommendation. These will be friends in the Crazy Quilt world who sell or make items that we collect.
I would like to share with you a website that I believe you all will enjoy. You will be delighted with their great customer service and reasonable prices. CrazyQuiltingSupplies.com offers a broad range of embellishments for the needle and thread artist. The owners love for quilting and creating unique needlework projects herself, is evident by the stock that is available on the website.
Everything from pearl cotton threads, laces, Czech buttons, Riversilk Silk Ribbon, vintage linens, and beads are just a few of the items that await you. Be sure and visit their blog , CrazyQuilting.com to stay up on the latest announcements for new products and all other news. If you are up for a challenge, please visit CrazyQuilt.com for information on current challenges that the website may be hosting. Starting a crazy quilt project can be overwhelming for the beginner so they have set up a website dedicated to tutorials by various artists which can be found at CrazyQuilter.org. If you need inspiration to help you decide what to stitch and embellish on your project, please visit CrazyQuilter.com where you will find photos that have been shared by talented crazy quilters to inspire you. You owe it to yourself to check out CrazyQuiltingSupplies.com.
Thanks for visiting and keep stitching. Watch for future posts on more Stashbuilders!!!