Happy July 4th!!!
This is an idea that has been brewing in my mind for over a year as I became fascinated with the subject matter! It started with reading a book from my personal library, called "Gospel in the Stars" by Joseph Seiss, first written in 1884. You can still find this book in reprints on Amazon.com if so inclined.
But then I realized how many books I have that related and were quoted by the others.
The book on the left was published in 1809, the one on the right is the book that got me started. (It's hard cover has nothing on it, so I am showing the title page.)The book on the left, is very old, and fragile, published 1933. "The Witness of the Stars" was originally published in 1893. The book in the middle is more modern. I do love reading very old books like these, because they quote from even older sources.
I am reading the above book right now, published originally in 1863, and heavily quoted by the other authors shown. Frances Rolleston gives a lot of great information about the Mazzaroth supported by the Jewish background.
Chuck Missler is a Bible Teacher that I have followed for years. This is a tape of his that touches on the subject.
One point I will make, as all of these sources make, this is not about astrology. God forbids telling of the future,
"There shall not be found among you any one that maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire, or that useth divination, or an observer of times, or an enchanter, or a witch, Or a charmer, or a consulter with familiar spirits, or a wizard, or a necromancer." Deu 18:10-11 KJV
So I am not interested in stars telling personalities or what might happen in life. Does it really make sense that 1/12 of the worlds population have the same personality traits?
But I am intrigued by how authors have traced back to early civilizations for some, not all, of the original names of the stars. God never does anything by happenstance!
"He telleth the number of the stars; he calleth them all by their names." Psa 147:4 KJV
God has given names to all the stars and names have meanings that tell the story.
For instance, Virgo, the Promised See of the Woman, given in Genesis to Eve: "And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.' Gen 3:15 KVJ
So the various stars in the constellation help tell the story!
Since the story starts with Virgo, that is where I chose to start. The constellation in the center of each block will be French Knots, but each will be done with a different thread, from Rayon in Virgo; Libra in cotton and so on.
I have used "free printable" or with permission. All constellations in center of squares comes from Tastfully Eclectic by Chelsey
As I make the squares up, all 8" by 8", I use Chelsey's printouts by printing them on organza fabric. EstravOrganza by Jacquard can be found on line (the pink package in top of picture). Then by using Lite Steam-a-seam2 double stick lite fusible web, I am able to iron these in place. Then I do my French Knots over the pattern.
And that's the finished block, although I am waiting on a charm for the very middle of the Shibori.
Here's the Libra Block. All the Constellation blocks will be mostly, white, off whites, light greys and some light blues.
Since this challenge has a goal of 2020 Unduplicated items, the only way to know is to track with a journal. I am keeping track of the fabrics, threads and any embellishments!
I am now working on Scorpio. As you can see, the tracking continues!!! I will also put pictures of the finished blocks in this journal, which is actually a sketch book!
Thank you for visiting. Feel free to ask me any questions, or if you have suggestions that you would like to see me cover. I will blog about every 3 blocks so you can follow along!!! Thanks to Sharron Boggon for giving us this challenge. Visit her site for lots of stitch ideas!.
One other favorite is Mary Corbet's site for videos of so many stitches. Newbies are so luck today with the internet resource. Just google what you want and it's at your finger tips. Need block ideas? Janet Stauffer offers many designs!
Because I teach crazy quilt classes locally, I have set up several Pinterest Boards to help with your search. Be sure to visit and save to your own boards.
Happy Stitching!!!! and Happy July 4th!!!