His Love Story in the Stars

His Love Story in the Stars
2020 Challenge: His Love Story in the Stars!!!

Tuesday, October 13, 2020


                                     HAPPY AUTUMN DAYS!!!

For those who have followed my journey this year with my battle with cancer, latest test results show I am now cancer free!!! Praise God!!! 

I would now like to update you on my 2020Challenge Quilt, called "His Love Story in the Stars". I will start with Virgo, show you the small block and back, along with the larger blocks that also have the 3 Decans for each, and then the Bible quote from the center of the quilt. 

If this is your first visit, Sharon Boggon gave us a challenge in 2017 to do a project of our own design, using 2,020 unique objects, fabrics, threads, and embellishments and to complete at the end of 2020!!! That was 42 months to complete our projects.  But due to moving to Lewiston, first to a rental, than 9 months later to our present home, and then recuperating from surgery, I have lost 12 months.

First off, I wish to stress that I am not into astrology, I know nothing about it. This is astronomy...the stars and their placement in the sky. The ancient names of the stars tells us the whole story of the Redemption of Christ for all humans.

So let's start with Virgo and its Decans:

Virgo means the virgin in all languages of the world. The branch she holds in her hand stands for Christ, who was called the branch in the Bible 110 times. Coma, means the Desired or Longed for. In Haggai 2:7: "The desire of all nations shall come."

Centaurus, means the Despised. In Isaiah 53:3: "He is despised and rejected of men." Then Bootes (pronounced Boo-tees), means the Coming Shepherd! There are 45 verses regarding the shepherd in the Bible. John 10:14: I am the good shepherd, and know my sheep, and am known of mine. 

Libra and its Decans:

The Hebrews called this sign Mozanaim...the scales or weighing. Found in Daniel 5:27: "Thou art weighed in the balances and art found wanting." Our salvation is often described as redemption by purchase. Crux is the mark of the cross, the death and finished work of Christ. Lupus, the slain victim, the sacrifice of Christ for sin. Corona, means the crown, which will be the crown bestowed on Christ. 

Scorpio and its Decans:

Scorpio means the mortal conflict. This depicts the battle of Ophiuchus and the serpent just as it is in Genesis 3:15: "And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel." You can even see Ophiuchus's heel on the scorpion!

Ophiuchus means the evil one held. Hercules is the mighty victor, humbled yet victorious. Serpens mean the serpent struggling with the seed of the woman!

Sagittarius and its Decans: 

Sagittarius means the Archer in both Hebrew and Syriac. Gen 21:20  "And God was with the lad; and he grew, and dwelt in the wilderness, and became an archer." In the Decan, Lyra, you have a star named Vega, which means he shall be exalted! Lyra is a harp, that is very ancient, used even in the lifetime of Adam, Gen 4:21  "And his brother's name was Jubal: he was the father of all such as handle the harp and organ." The Decan, Ara is an upside-down alter. Another Decan, Draco, is the great dragon cast out, depicting Satan cast down in defeat.

Taken from God's Voice in the Stars by Ken Fleming: 

"In the first act the signs of Virgo, Libra, Scorpio and Sagittarius portrayed four aspects of prophetic truth concerning the Person and work of the coming Redeemer: the manhood He would assume, the price He would pay, the battle He would fight, and the victory He would win. Now in this second act attention is drawn to four more signs: Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, and Aries. These signs, together with their constellations, explain not so much the Person of the Redeemer but the results of His redeeming work, particularly in relation to the people who are redeemed."

Capricorn and its Decans: 

Capricorn is a dying goat, coming from a living fish demonstrating the multitudes of the redeemed who have been given life as a result of the sacrifice of Christ. Mathew 4:19
"Then He said to them, “Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men.”

The Decan Sagitta, an arrow, God's judgement against sin. Psalms 38:2  "For thine arrows stick fast in me, and thy hand presseth me sore." The Decan Aquila, is the pierced one falling. This is a picture of an eagle falling from the sky.  Exodus 19:4  "Ye have seen what I did unto the Egyptians, and how I bare you on eagles' wings, and brought you unto myself." Then the Decan, Delphinus is a dolphin springing out of the water. Meaning, resurrection from death.

Aquarius and its Decans: 

Aquarius means the "water pourer" which is what it looks like. Bible says in Numbers 24:7, "He shall pour the water out of His buckets, and His seed shall be in many waters." The Decan Piscis Austrinus  is a fish with a wide open mouth to receive the water poured out. In John we find "Whosoever shall drink of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst" (John 4:14)

Pegasus is the winged horse, symbolizing the soon return of the Redeemer. The Decan Cygnus is a cross in the northern sky, sometimes called the Northern Cross. This is a picture of a beautiful swan flying across the skies. Cygnus was called Tesark, meaning This from Afar, in the Zodiac of Dendereh, which indicates the coming of Him who has gone to prepare a place for His people. From the Bible: John 14:2  "In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you."

Pisces and its Decans: 

Pisces is the about the Deliverance out of bondage. Part of the two fishes is The Band or cord, one of it's Decans. Andromeda, meaning the redeemed in bondage and affliction, represents a woman with chains fastened to her feet and hands binding her. Then there's Cepheus, meaning the deliverer coming to rule. He is the King sitting on a throne near his wife Cassiopea. 

Aries and its Decans: 

"Aries is the last of the signs in the second act, which included Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, and Aries. This quartet of signs pictures the blessings of salvation. Capricorn signifies the blessing of life from death. Aquarius pictures the blessing of salvation's fullness. Pisces signifies the delay of the promised blessing. Now in Aries we see the blessing fully realized." (God's Voice in the Stars, by Ken Fleming)

Aries is actually a picture of a lamb, and in Hebrew it was called Taleh, which means lamb.

John 1:29 "Behold the Lamb of God!"

Cassiopeia the woman freed and waiting for the marriage to the Redeemer. The Decan Cetus is one of the largest of all of the constellations in the sky. It represents a Sea Monster. And then the Decan Perseus represents the breaker delivering the Redeemed.

Taurus and its Decans:

Taurus is the judge, representing His Glorious Coming!  Again, from the book mentioned before, "The last of the three acts in the starlit panorama on the stage of the universe presents Christ the judge of all the earth reigning in power and majesty and concluding the drama of salvation in the history of the planet Earth. Act One presented Him as the Suffering Savior delivering His people from the penalty of sin. Act Two showed Him as the Glorified Redeemer delivering His people from the power of sin. Now in the Third Act He is the Reigning Redeemer delivering His people from the presence of sin. The sign of Taurus opens the third act, showing us the coming in power and glory of the great Judge."

The Decan Orion represents the triumph and brightness of His coming.  Eridanus represents the wrath of God poured out on His enemies. Auriga, represents the protection of the Redeemed in the day of the Wrath. 

Gemini and its Decans: 

Gemini represents His rule on Earth. The Decan Lepus is the Enemy trodden underfoot. The Decan Canis Major is the coming of the Prince of Glory. In this constellation you will find the brightest star that we can see, called Sirius, which means The Prince.  The last Decan is Canis Minor represents the Coming Redeemer. 

Cancer and its Decans: 

Cancer, though showed as a crab today, the ancients showed it as an enclosure for animals. Cancer comes from a root word that means to Hold or Encircle. The Decan, Ursa Minor, is the Stronghold of the saved. Its central star, the North Star, is the one the other stars appear to revolve. Ursa Minor, known as the Little Bear, and the Ursa Major, the Great Bear are more likely today known as the Big and Little Dippers. Ursa Major is the Assembled Flock, while the Decan, Argo represents the Travelers safely Home.

Leo, and its Decans: 

Leo represents His enemies destroyed, being the Victor.  Rev 5:5  And one of the elders saith unto me, Weep not: behold, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, hath prevailed to open the book, and to loose the seven seals thereof. The Decan Hydra, represents the old serpent destroyed; and the Decan Crater represents the wrath of God poured out on the Serpent.  The Decan Corvus is the Raven devouring the old serpent. 

Now I will give you the four corners, first the corner in the inner row of small blocks.

I call this one Creation Day 4...because the Bible tells us that the stars and sun were created on the 4th day. Gen 1:18  And to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light from the darkness: and God saw that it was good.
Gen 1:19  And the evening and the morning were the fourth day. 

This really hit me, that God named all the stars on the fourth day. Psalm 147:4 "He determines the number of the stars and calls them each by name." So He put His Love Story of our Redemption in the sky BEFORE He created Adam and Eve!!!

Now go back to the front of the block and see how many "4" count can you find!

This block I called the "Treasures of the Garden" representing the Garden of Eden. You will see two trees, the Tree of  Knowledge, and the Tree of Life.

This block is called "God's Glory in the Stars."

Psalm 19 1
The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they display knowledge. There is no speech or language where their voice is not heard.


Now I will show the four blocks in the larger block row.

The is my sphinx block. On the front of the block, you will see a small sphinx in the lower middle, facing to the left, where the Virgo block is, with an arrow pointing to a charm of the virgin birth. From his tail is an arrow pointing to a lion, and to the block of Leo. There are many who think this is why the Sphinx has been built. We really don't know who or when it was built. Coincidence?

And of course, I had to do a block for the Star of Bethlehem!

This block is called Coincidence...because there is no coincidence with God! 

I changed the name of my quilt...so I had to add the "LOVE" charm...."His Love Story in the Stars"!!!

I hope you enjoy my presentation. All that is left is hemming each block and attaching to quilt.


Thanks for following my blog...


Have a Blessed Day!